![]() ** Dear Friends: Here is the board package link for our Helix Water District Board Meeting: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - 5 p.m. 7811 University Avenue, La Mesa, CA 91942 Water Stuff: We have given out over 80 water meter smart rebates! I love my Flume (no plumbing modifications needed), I know how much water I use every day and minute and I am notified if I have a leak or left the water running more than 2 hours! If you haven’t gotten your rebate, what better Christmas or Hanukah present than to give the gift of smart water meter and have Helix give you $100 back! These rebates were from a Grant funded by the Metropolitan Water District https://hwd.com/smart-leak-detector-rebate/ Interesting Agenda Items: Item 10. ELECTION: The Board Elect Officers to Serve a One-Year Term per Section 9.1-3 of the Policies and Procedures Manual and Adopt Resolution 19-62 Appointing the President and Vice President KCHNote: Dan McMillian has done a good job, and now it is time to pass the reins on to the next Board Member. Item 11 ACTION ITEM – POLICES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL. The Board Conduct a Public Hearing to Receive Comments on Miscellaneous Fees and Charges Proposed for 2020 in the Policies and Procedures Manual and Adopt Resolution 19-63 Approving and Authorizing Adoption of the Policies and Procedures Manual, Effective January 1, 2020. KCHNote: Few changes and some increases due to cost, most significant is the changes due to new Sacramento Regulations on water shut-offs, CUSTOMER BILLING AND COLLECTIONS - WATER ACCOUNTS Section 2.3 etc. Item 12 PUBLIC OUTREACH (page 650) The Board Authorize the General Manager to Execute an Agreement for Professional Services between Helix Water District and CV Strategies in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $60,500. KCHNote: This last rate increase was the last of the 5 year 218, we need to do a new plan this next year, (note it does not have to be 5 years), we want to make sure that we have a good public education program in place for the process. Includes: Presents technical information about the cost of service study and rate scenarios in an easy to understand format; • Utilizes a variety of outreach tools to build customer understanding and acceptance of water rate increases; • Creates opportunities for public participation and encourages customer engagement; and • Ensures maximum transparency and public accountability. Happy Holidays! I hope you all had a great year and will make 2020 even Better! As always, I welcome your comments and feedback. Blog is on my website of past meetings & comments…check it out! Please feel free to forward this email. Kathleen Coates Hedberg, PE, MPH Past President, Helix Water District www.HWD.com Board Director, San Diego County Water Authority www.SDCWA.org 619.994.6900 www.VoteHedberg.org www.lakejennings.org (go fishing & camping - teepees) www.socalwatersmart.com (rebate link) **Please note no public funds or resources were used for the distribution of this email... ***If you want to be removed from my list…let me know! J ****If this email was forwarded to you and you want to be added to my list…let me know! *****Transparency, don’t just say it – do it! Comments are closed.
Author: Kathleen HedbergCivil Engineer in 5th Term as a Helix Water District Board Director and Past President of the Board! CategoriesArchives
April 2023