Dear Friends: Here is the board package link for our Regular Helix Water District Board Meeting: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wednesday, April 4, 6 pm 7811 University Avenue, La Mesa, CA 91942-0427 Interesting Items: Item 6 The Board Receive an Update Regarding a Potential Meeting between the Helix Water District Board of Directors and the Padre Dam Municipal Water District Board of Directors to Discuss the East County Advanced Water Purification Project Currently in the engineering and administrative development stages. An Helix WD Adhoc Committee may be formed during the President’s Report Item 8, a). Item 7. (PDF Page 88) The Board Provide Direction to Staff Regarding the Draft Budget Guidelines and Principles for Developing the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Preliminary Budget It is that time of year again – budgets and rates – I would like a zero increase…but with the cost of CA increasing. However, we are going over the Budget Guidelines, I do have much to talk about when it comes to the end of the year excess revenues. Which as of right now, we have excess as we have sold more water than anticipated, and were able to use stored water from the rains last year (free water). I want to discuss creating a policy of that funding going toward our rate stabilization fund and then using that money to offset and balance any rate increases, not just go into the general fund. Also, further discussion on our CALPERS unfunded liability. I am pleased to see that our Capital Improvement Program is anticipated at $11.1 Million, not an increase from this years budget. According to the Water Rate Ceiling established in 2015 (I VOTED NO) the rate ceiling for this year would be approximately 7.3% but I do not anticipate that happening. The proposal increase in rates from Metropolitan Water District is approximately 3%, we will be soon talking about the impact to San Diego County Water Authority, but I do not anticipate a significant increase, thus, any increase if any to Helix should be low as well! Some of the major dates for this year's budget process include: April 4 Present to Board Budget Guidelines and Principles May 2 and 3 (tentative) Review with Board Draft Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget Schedules May 16 Present to Board Five Year Projection Workshop May31 Distribute to Board Preliminary Budget Document June 6 Board Meeting Preliminary Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget for Board Approval August 1 Board Meeting Approval of Water Rates August 22 Distribute to Board Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget Document September Bill Insert Mailed to Customers Regarding Upcoming Water Rates January 1 Water rates effective on bills for water used in November and December Helix Water District Community Events
As always, I welcome your comments and feedback. Kathleen Coates Hedberg, PE, MPH President, Helix Water District Board Director, San Diego County Water Authority (go fishing & camping - teepees) (rebate link) **Please note no public funds or resources were used for the distribution of this email... ***If you want to be removed from my list…let me know! J ****If this email was forwarded to you and you want to be added to my list…let me know! *****Transparency, don’t just say it – do it! Comments are closed.
Author: Kathleen HedbergCivil Engineer in 5th Term as a Helix Water District Board Director and Past President of the Board! CategoriesArchives
April 2023