Dear Friends, Here is the link for the board package link for our Regular Helix Water District Board Meeting: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at 2 p.m. 7811 University Avenue, La Mesa, CA 91942-0427 Interesting items: Item 10 (pdf page 110) Adoption Resolution 16-23 Amending Drought Policy to LEVEL 1.On May 9, 2016, Governor Jerry Brown issued Executive Order 8-37-16, which directed the State Water Resources Control Board to make adjustments to the emergency water conservation regulations through January 2017. Effective June 1, 2016, the revised regulations allow individual or regional water suppliers to replace prior conservation standards with a localized, supply-based approach. This leaves the district and all of SDCWA's member agencies with no projected shortfall after three years even after accounting for potential supply shortages on the Colorado River through 2019. Pending approval by the SWRCB of the self-certification documents, all of SDCWA's member agencies will have zero percent conservation standards effective June 1, 2016. Supporting documentation is due to the SWRCB by June 22, 2016.Thus, staff recommends that the board of directors adopt a resolution rescinding Drought Response Level 2 and adopting Drought Response Level 1, effective immediately. There is no limit on the number of watering days per week. Apparently, we have not sent in documentation to SWRCB, we are waiting for information from SDCWA, however, our General Manager IS confident of SWRCB approval. Question of the day: do you plan on using more water now that the drought restrictions have been lifted? how much more 5% more, 10% more, or? FYI:
As always, I welcome your comments and feedback. Blog is on my website of past meetings & comments, also, if you want to be added to my distribution list, let me know! Kathleen Coates Hedberg, P.E., M.P.H. Director, Helix Water District Board 11263 Explorer Road La Mesa, CA 91941 H619.660.7487 C619.994.6900 www.VoteHedberg.org www.hwd.com www.lakejennings.org Per the request of the Helix Water District Board on May 16, 2012, the following language is to be added by all Board Directors in all outgoing Director correspondence. "This correspondence, and any documents attached hereto, reflects the individual opinions and positions of the above-named Director and does not represent the opinions or positions of the District's Board of Directors or the District. Pursuant to Section 9.1-11(A) of the Helix Water District Policies and Procedures Manual, individual Directors, except as otherwise authorized by the Board, shall have no power to act for the District or the District's Board of Directors." **Please note no public funds or resources were used for the distribution of this blog.
Author: Kathleen HedbergCivil Engineer in 5th Term as a Helix Water District Board Director and Past President of the Board! CategoriesArchives
April 2023